Whether you help by walking our dogs at the adoption events,
transporting our dog, or helping at a fundraising event, just get
started. Be a part of the solution. You'll join a network of
hundreds of thousands of people working to make the world safer
for all living creatures. You can make the jobs of everyone
working for animals a little easier by lending a hand and spreading
the message of responsible pet ownership and animal protection.
You'll keep good company. You'll make new friends and just not
the four legged kind. Working side by side with people who share similar interest can create life long friendships. You'll discover the new you by finding you may have skills you never thought you had and may be surprised at what you're capable of achieving.
Get the warm fuzzies. You'll never find a more grateful and accepting comrade than an animal you've comforted. Remember, the best things in life are free.
Note: We currently have a lot of dogs in our rescue, and are asking for extra volunteer help to bathe dogs, clean the yard and the like. If anyone is interested in helping, please come to the Lady Lake PetSmart on Saturday from 10-2 or download a volunteer form and get in touch with Maxine. We are also in need of foster homes, YOU can help make a difference in a dog's life.